Finding Joy

Hello friends! It’s about 3 more weeks until my team and I fly to Japan! It’s crazy how time has flown by so quickly and how soon this missions trip is. The last month or so since my last prayer update has been very busy for me. But, God’s faithfulness and grace has continued to be put on full display in front of my eyes, reminding me of the Gospel and the salvation we can have because of what Christ has done.

My team and I had a Skype group call with one of our receiving staff a few weeks ago and it was good to be able to see the rest of my team and share our excitements and fears for the summer. As I was listening to all of these things, I was reminded how much of a blessing this opportunity is.

There is so much joy to be had in the Gospel for us as Christians. I am undeserving and unworthy to be an ambassador for Christ and to receive God’s grace and salvation. But, because of what Christ has done for me, I am seen by God as His daughter and as a vessel to reach the lost.

Let the nations be glad and sing for joy, for you judge the peoples with equity and guide the nations upon the Earth. – Psalm 67:4

The last month or so has been very difficult for me to find joy in all circumstances. I have found myself complaining a lot about school and forgetting what a blessing it is and how much joy can be had in the opportunity to be in college at all. There is so much joy to know that I have greater things to look forward to. There is so much joy to know that in all things I am able to glorify God.

As God continues to prepare me and grow me for what He is going to do through me this summer, may I find my joy in salvation and the blessing of the Gospel. May I find joy in this season of life He has given me to be a student and to diligently finish the school year well. May I find joy in the blessing of being God’s daughter and the blessing to know God and to be able to serve Him.

Prayer Requests

  • To have joy and endurance in continuing through the rest of the school year.
  • Logistical things such as safe flight to Japan as well as a quick/ smooth transition for myself and my team between school and going to Japan.
  • For full funding for the rest of my team. Praying that we would continue to have full trust and dependence on God and remember His faithfulness.
  • For the continued preparation for my team and my heart’s to be humble and for God continue to mold us into men and women to be used by Him for his glory.
  • For the continued preparation for the hearts of the Japanese students. Prayer that God would continue to soften the hard ground for these students to hear the Gospel and to be receptive of Christ’s love through us.
  • For strength and endurance for the Navigators staff in Japan at Chuo University and that God would be continuing to use them to share the Gospel and love of Christ with the students. For them to be able to have some rest when we are able to partner with them this summer.

Thank you so much again for all of your prayers! Thank you for asking me directly for prayer requests because I have been lacking on updating y’all. I am looking forward to seeing how God will use this ministry opportunity to grow my team and I and glorify Himself in Japan!

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